How to weigh the risks when creating a Checklist?

This tab, which will be optional, will allow the evaluator to customize the weight of the risks associated with each of the risk blocks contained in our new checklist, which will be reflected in the final result of the evaluation, when answered by the third party evaluated. That is, this option will allow me to give more relevance to certain risk blocks of a checklist in the final result of the evaluation, in which our company/organization has more interest. 

If you do not want to use this option, the risk blocks in our checklist will automatically be assigned the same risk percentage associated with the final result of the evaluation.

The "Risk Weighting" option is located in the last tab of the Questionnaires module.


As mentioned at the beginning,  this option will be optional, so when accessing this tab, it will be in principle "Off"

If we do not use this option, the tool will automatically assign to all risk blocks that we have configured in the Question List tab the same associated risk percentage. Example: if in the Question List tab, I only configured my checklist with two risk blocks, by not making use of the Risk Weighting option, the tool will assign to each existing block a percentage of 50% of associated risk.

How to use the Risk Weighting Tab

To make use of it, once in the Risk Weighting tab, I must activate the On tab.

When activating the tab, we will automatically be shown on the screen the risk blocks that I previously configured in the tab "List of Questions", with the same percentage of risk associated with each block, forming among the existing blocks the sum of "100%".

This is where the evaluator, when making the checklist and using this option, must modify the percentages of the risks associated with each block, according to the importance that you want to assign to each risk in the final result of the evaluation. 


In this example, we have created a checklist, for the "workers" sector of my company, where I only want to evaluate the risk blocks "Conflicts of Interest" and "Data Protection".

Following the example, from our Compliance Officer area, we have decided that according to the policies of our company, we care to associate a higher risk, in the evaluation to answer by our workers, the Conflicts of Interest block than the Data Protection block, assigning a higher percentage of risk associated with the Conflicts of Interest block, in this case 70%.  This will be reflected in the final result of the evaluations that I sent to my workers using this checklist, at the time the evaluation was answered.


When assigning percentages to risk blocks, I must always keep in mind that the total sum of them must coincide in a total percentage of 100%. Otherwise, the tool will warn us of this error so that it is corrected. 


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