How do I add Companies to my account?

The purpose of this functionality is that the Tool can be used by more than one subsidiary or department of the same Company or group of Companies allowing both third parties and questionnaires and evaluations to be under the scope or domain of different outbuildings. So when loading a third party, setting up a questionnaire and/or launching an evaluation the tool will ask us to detail what Company we are representing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, both third parties and questionnaires and evaluations may belong to more than one Company if we so decide in its creation. 

The important thing is that in the initial configuration of the tool, at least one Company should always have been created, which we will assign later, as we said to third parties, questionnaires and evaluations.

To do this we will enter the main menu of the tool and select the option Control Panel.

When entering the Control Panel menu, three icons will be displayed on the upper left margin, this time selecting the second button related to Companies:

When entering the company sector in it you will see the option Add Company (in case of initial seteo), or existing companies, but always with the option to add a New Company.-

Clicking on Add Company will display a new screen to generate it. There we must at least fill in those sectors marked as mandatory by asterisks, which are Company Name and Tax Identification Number. We may also indicate company type and sector (both by drop-down), as well as email, phone number and website. 

We can also associate to it an image or logo (whose characteristics appear detailed), as well as fiscal address (a drop-down will open for filling) and attach files related to it.

We will click on Create Company.

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