How to create/duplicate/modify a Checklist?

To create a new form or modify an existing one already used with our third parties, we must always duplicate a checklist that is saved in the "Questionnaires" module, working our new checklist through this duplication.  

Before proceeding with the instructions, it is advisable to consider the following information: 

Master Risklist:  these are master forms, which are already loaded on the platform, which provide a knowledge base of more than 100 questions divided into the main (or more usually) questions risk blocks and are aimed at the three categories of third parties that are also pre-established in the tool: CUSTOMERS, SUPPLIERS and BUSINESS PARTNERS. As already explained in the following article,  as they are master forms; and in order that such content is never lost and is always available for possible use , they cannot be modified in their original version. Therefore, in case you want to modify and/or reuse them, it is necessary to first duplicate them and then, already created its duplicate version, work on this copy 

Your Checklists: these are the questionnaires that were already created by you. Once created, they can only be edited in their original version, provided that such evaluation has not yet been sent to any third party. Once it has been sent to a third party, its content cannot be modified again in its original version, and its original version must be duplicated to make modifications or updates. 

How to create a Checklist First

We must choose the option "Questionnaires", located in the left side panel, there will open the window corresponding to the Checklist module, where we can see the list of all the checklist that we have created in our account. 

Then, we must place ourselves in the Checklist that we are going to duplicate to use as a basis for the creation of our new questionnaire and click the "Duplicate" option. In this case, we will duplicate the checklist "Master CLIENTS".

A pop-up will open asking us to confirm the action.

Then, we will be redirected to a new page, where we can start configuring our new checklist.

In this new window we will be presented with three tabs to complete to finish the creation of our new checklist: 

1. Basic Configuration

2. List of Questions

3. Risk Weighting

Basic Configuration

In this tab, we will be able to complete the informational data of the new Checklist.


Checklist name: we must enter the name that our new questionnaire will have, in the example of the image we call "Customers First Semester".

Categorisation: the data that we enter in these three fields, will be only at an informative level, and will not prevent us from sending the new checklist to a third party in a country or sector other than the one assigned here.

Notes: this field serves to enter any type of note that can only be seen by users of our account, in the example of the image we enter a reminder text.

List of Questions

From the "List of Questions" tab, we can access each of the risk blocks, as well as the questions contained therein.

In relation to the blocks, they can be moved or deleted and also, obviously, the amount that is considered necessary can be added.


The same happens in relation to the questions, since in addition to being able to modify the order in which they appear within the list, they can be deleted and of course, add those that are necessary from "Add a question" located at the end of each risk block.

Risk Weighting

This tab, which is optional, will allow you to weigh the weight of the risks associated with each of the blocks that contains our new checklist, which will be reflected in the final result of our new questionnaire, when answered by a third party. That is, with this option, you can associate with certain blocks of the checklist in which our company has more interest, a higher percentage of risk than the rest of the blocks contained in the questionnaire. Such weighting will influence the final outcome of the Assessment, when answered by our third parties. In case you do not want to make use of this option, our checklist blocks will all have the same risk percentage associated. For more detailed information click here.

Once we have completed the fields of the three tabs explained above, we must activate the Save option that is located at the top right of the window.


Once saved, we will be able to confirm that our new questionnaire is already created, since we immediately click "save", it will automatically change the name of the checklist in the upper left margin of the screen, to the title we assigned to it previously in the Basic Configuration field, as well as we can find our new checklist in the list of the Questionnaires module.

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