Third Party Walkthrough

We will explain step by step how to answer an evaluation received through our tool.

 You will receive an email from Riskallay with the following image. To access the evaluation you must select COMPLETE EVALUATION.

A step followed, the tool will ask us to confirm the sending of the Risklist, pressing the ACCEPT AND SEND button.

Then the system will ask you to enter your first and last name,  enter your email address; and generate a password; which must contain at least 8 characters, of which at least one must be a capital letter, at least one must be a number and at least contain a special character.

Generated this, we will send a new email to the registered address, requesting confirmation of the email entered. In this screen we must enter the button CONFIRM EMAIL.

Once this is done, it will automatically redirect us to the Riskallay login screen.


Once inside the tool, we will see the/the Risklists received/s. To start filling them we will have to select the option FILL RIKLIST.

Next, select the option COMPLETE THE RISKLIST.

The tool in this step will show us the evaluation received; which is divided into question blocks. Each block contains one or more questions.

When entering each of the blocks, we will be displaying the list of questions, which we will have to answer for yes or no; in some cases we can request (as a mandatory condition to continue) clarification regarding the response provided; as well as accompanying documentation relating to the questionnaire.

It is important to note that in case the question requires a CLARIFICATION or ATTACHED DOCUMENT; if this action is not carried out, it will be considered NOT answered; and therefore we will NOT be able to send the response to the evaluation.

Within each block, we will be able to observe at the top the state of progress regarding the filling of the questionnaire, having to answer all the questions included in each block in order to be able to send the complete answer of the RISKSLIT. Remember that in case of missing a response, the tool does NOT authorize the sending of the form to the sender.

After completing the questionnaire in each of the risk blocks contained in the evaluation, we will select the SAVE ANSWERS button.

It is important to note that if we have not answered all the questions, either because we do not have the answers and/or because we lack requested documentation to attach for example; the tool allows you to save the answers and continue with it in the state in which it was left once we have the necessary elements.

Once the answers are saved, the tool will show us a box where it will allow us to either continue editing the answers; or SIGN AND SEND. When selecting the latter option we are prepared to send the answers requested in the evaluation.

The last step consists of the DIGITAL SIGNATURE OF THE FORM, which is done by ticking the two boxes located in the left margin, corresponding to the text boxes; and then press the CONTINUE button.

A step followed, the tool will ask us to confirm the sending of the Risklist, pressing the ACCEPT AND SEND button.

Finally and in case you have successfully completed the previous steps, the tool shows us a CONFIRMATION OF SENDING message.


How do I sign up for Riskallay?

What to do if I can't find the email to register in my Inbox or Spam folder?  

How to complete a Questions Form?

What is the page to access my Riskallay account? 

How to reset the password of my Riskallay user?

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