User Management: Riskallay Permissions / Permissions Control Panel

To create new users, you must first enter the Control Panel Menu, located in the lower left of the screen:

Once in the Control Panel Menu, you must click on the User Management button, located in the upper left of the screen:

In the User Management icon, you can create users for both the Riskallay Menu and the Control Panel Menu:

Click on the Add User button:

The following fields to complete will be enabled:

Once you have completed the fields and assigned the type of permissions the new user will have, you should finally click on the Add User button. This action will add the new user to the account’s user list and automatically send an e mail to the account, at the address indicated, where you will be invited to join the account and create an access password. 

Permissions for Control Panel users: 

For the Control Panel, only the Administrator user permission exists:

This permission is intended for the main user of the account or owner, as well as for those users who will use the platform, who have a high rank in planning and decision making. 

It is recommended that users with this type of permission be limited.

Only Control Panel Administrator users can:

1) Access the Control Panel Menu.

2)Create new users in the User Management Control Panel module.

3)Designate in the users who are created the type of permissions to which they will have access both for the Riskallay Menu, and for the Control Panel Menu.

4)Remove permissions initially granted to users in both the Riskallay Menu and the Control Panel Menu.

5)Remove users created.

6)Create or delete Companies in the Company Control Panel module.

7)To have access to the module of the Control Panel of Configuration of the Account, where they will be able to manage the license of the account ( example request expansion of the plan), to lend the time zone and language that will have initially the new users created ( which can then be customized to your liking from your profile), enable the authentication of two factors for all users of the account ( which will not be able to disable any user from your profile). 

Permissions for Riskallay users:

For Riskallay, user permissions exist for Supervisor, Manager, Collaborator and Administrator:

These types of permissions are combinable, meaning that a user can be assigned more than one permission, to tailor it to the needs of the tasks that the user must perform on the Riskallay platform.

Remember that only a Control Panel Administrator can assign these permissions when creating a new user and that you can also reduce permissions to an already created user. 


It is the ideal permission to use on people who have management or auditing functions of the company, because it is a permission that will allow you to:

1) Access the file of any third party and observe certain important information such as their status, risk information, date of creation, assigned owners/managers, name, date and status of submitted evaluations, etc.

2)Enter the questionnaires created.

3)Observe in the evaluation module the evaluation campaigns sent and see within each campaign the state in which it is, the third parties involved, status by responses, start and end date of each evaluation campaign, etc.

This user may never be designated as owner or responsible for any third party, nor may he perform any action on third party modules, questionnaires or evaluations, that is to say, he may not create a third party, a questionnaire or send an evaluation. 

Neither will you have access to read the comments made between owners and managers in the files of third parties or observe the responses made by the third party in the evaluations.


This permit is ideal for users designated as owners of a third party, questionnaire or evaluation, although it can also be designated as responsible.

The main features of the Manager are:

1) You can upload third parties, create questionnaires and evaluations.

2) You will own the third parties, questionnaires or assessments that you create, but you can also designate in the third parties, questionnaires and evaluations created by other owner or responsible users.

3) It is the only type of user that can be designated as a third party owner, questionnaire or evaluation.

4) It will be the only one that can transition the statuses of the third parties, questionnaires and evaluations of which it is owner, being this one of its main characteristics,  quality that it will share together with other Manager users, who also share the ownership role of those third parties, questionnaires or assessments. 

They will not be able to access third parties, questionnaires and evaluations of which they are not owners or responsible.


Contributor permission is ideal for users designated as responsible for a third party, questionnaire or evaluation. 

It is designed for those users who will provide collaboration tasks in third parties, questionnaires or evaluations, for example, a collaborator user designated as responsible for a questionnaire can help the preparation of questions, or if you are appointed to be responsible for an evaluation you can help to analyse its results.

The big difference with Manager users is that they will never be able to transition the third-party statuses, questionnaires and evaluations for which they are designated as responsible, for example, they could never approve or deny the status of a third party, or decide to close an evaluation in which they are collaborating.  

Like managers, they will only have access to third parties, questionnaires and evaluations in which they have been designated as responsible.

They may never be designated as owners of any third party, questionnaire or evaluation.


We should not confuse it with the administrator of the Control Panel Menu.

As its name suggests,  it is intended as a user who makes management or delegation decisions in Riskallay.

The administrator:

1)  It is the only one that has access to the Riskallay Configuration Menu, meaning that only users with this permission can create custom third-party groups and fields, create domains, or enable evidence deletion.

2) It is also the only permit that without being owner or responsible, has the ability to enter any third party, questionnaire or evaluation.

3) Together with the Manager permission,  you can create third parties, questionnaires or evaluations, but you can never own or be responsible for any, since it is only intended as a user who deals with administration or delegation tasks. 

4)In his ex officio role as a delegate, he assigns owners and managers of those third parties, questionnaires and evaluations that he creates, as well as he can designate new owners or those responsible in any third party, questionnaire or evaluation of the account or eliminate those already designated as owners or responsible.

5)Following the idea of administering, it has the power to use the comments section of any third party, questionnaire or evaluation of the account, thus being able to maintain dialogue with the owners or managers to assign them some type of directive.

It is important to note that not being able to own or be responsible, you can never transition third-party statuses, questionnaires or assessments.

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